Publicritic - International Poster & GIF Biennial

Publicritic -  International Poster & GIF Biennial
Publicritic - International Poster & GIF Biennial

Who we are?
With these events and exhibitions, we consider it our mission to create a visual reflection on current social issues. We aim to motivate creators over the age of 18 around the world to have the courage to take a stand and express their opinions visually. We regularly invite design institutions and renowned artists to participate. A professional jury ensures a high-quality selection of entries. For this task, internationally renowned artists and designers are invited to participate every year.


Our goals
Our main goal is to raise people's awareness of current issues and make them think about what is happening locally and globally. Expanding the perspectives of society is a key part in building a sustainable future.

This is why, with Publicritic, we are initiating a process of opinion-shaping in which anyone can participate as a creator or a recipient, both in the physical space and online- as every year we exhibit a selection of entries in the urban environment of Oradea on city-lights and billboards, as well as on Publicritic's online platforms and catalog.

Official Publicritic website


Zoltán Balázs DLA
Zoltán Balázs DLA
Head of Department, Lecturer
Drs. Judit Eszter Gagyi
Drs. Judit Eszter Gagyi
Assistant Lecturer
Drs. Zsolt Kolcsár
Drs. Zsolt Kolcsár
Assistant Lecturer



Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem, Művészeti Tanszék

Szent László Napok studio


International partner:

CEIDA - China Europe International Design Awards



Bethlen Gábor Alap


OTP Bank Romania

Academia Humana Alapítvány

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