Partium Christian University

Faculties and departments
Department of Arts
About us

The Department of Arts at Partium Christian University considers that our number one objective is to train Hungarian-speaking youth in the fields of music, fine arts, and pedagogy. Alongside the rendition of trational knowledge our aim is to help our students to acquire up-to-date learning.

Following the Bologna system, the Department of Arts offers both BA and MA programmes. Both specialities (music, fine arts) are completed by Msc training: Musical Art in Audio-Visual Culture and Visual Communication.

It is an exceptional opportunity that Music and Fine Arts operates within one department. It gives a chance to collaborate, and creates a new and more modern perspective for training. We found a link to join the two majors in audio-visual techniques. We believe that our time’s audio-visuality makes it necessary for music and art students to acquire each other’s perspective and technical knowledge. It is why we introduced joint courses. In BA programme sound technology, and from this year in MA audio-visual arts’ creative interference are mutual optional courses. How to teach arts, a new course in MA, forms a more thorough perspective in art education. The common activities in Animation workshops and Experimental Art Meeting help the modern training of the students.

Students with the guidance of a mentor-teacher are given various chances to experiment, and gain proficiency in research. It is ensured by the FiTeMüMü workshop (philosophy, theology, arts) established by Janus Pannonius College for Advanced Studies.

The Erasmus programme gives further chances for the students. For a number of years, students and teachers from the department are active participants in an Intensive Erasmus Programme with the University of Nyíregyháza, University of Presov (Eperjes, Slovakia), Budapest Metropolitan University, with Kraków, and Eszterházy Károly College in Eger. In addition we have a link with Turkey and India, too. A great number of our students make good use of their chances, and anually more and more spend one or two semesters abroad.  We frequently receive foreign guest lecturers, the same way our teachers lecture in foreign universities.   

Through our international relations students are given the chance not only to gain experience during the Erasmus programme, but in professional challenges, such as: expositions, choir competitions, festivals, and in OTDK (National Students’ Scientific Conference).

Partium Christian University’s Department of Arts cultivates the Transilvanian music and visual culture, the finest traditions of musical education, and strives to place it in an international context.

Visual Expression and Education Research Center
Musical Research Institute
Department of Arts

Erika-Éva Kiss

Opening hours: on weekdays between 9–11 and 14–15

Teaching staff
Zoltán Balázs DLA
Zoltán Balázs DLA
Head of Department, Lecturer
Sándor Bartha DLA
Sándor Bartha DLA
Associate Professor
Tünde Bodoni-Dombi DLA
Tünde Bodoni-Dombi DLA
Ádám Bogdan-Bódis DLA
Ádám Bogdan-Bódis DLA
Lavinia Delia Cherecheș PhD
Lavinia Delia Cherecheș PhD
Associate Professor
Carmen Vasile PhD
Carmen Vasile PhD
Associate Professor
Csilla Csákány PhD
Csilla Csákány PhD
Fodor Attila PhD
Fodor Attila PhD
Associate Professor
Krisztina Erdei DLA
Krisztina Erdei DLA
Drs. Judit Eszter Gagyi
Drs. Judit Eszter Gagyi
Assistant Lecturer
habil. Gizela Horváth PhD
habil. Gizela Horváth PhD
Full Professor
Iréne Kányádi PhD
Iréne Kányádi PhD
Drs. Attila Kelemen
Drs. Attila Kelemen
Drs. Zsolt Kolcsár
Drs. Zsolt Kolcsár
Assistant Lecturer
János Kristófi DLA
János Kristófi DLA
Full Professor
Réka-Ildikó Lászlóffy DLA
Réka-Ildikó Lászlóffy DLA
Zsolt Lászlóffy DLA
Zsolt Lászlóffy DLA
Associate Professor, Member of Foundation
Drs. Inez Lőrinczi
Drs. Inez Lőrinczi
Assistant Lecturer
Marian Boboia
Marian Boboia
Levente Molnár
Levente Molnár
Róbert Nagy DLA
Róbert Nagy DLA
Drs. Szilvia Nagy
Drs. Szilvia Nagy
Assistant Lecturer
Miklós Onucsán DLA
Miklós Onucsán DLA
Full Professor
Drs. Attila Székely
Drs. Attila Székely
Assistant Lecturer
Árpád Tóth DLA
Árpád Tóth DLA
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