Department of Economics
Elisabeta Ilona Molnar PhD
Associate Professor
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Edit Veres PhD
Head of Department, Lecturer
Ferenc Szilágyi PhD
Dean, Associate Professor
Dr. Emil Chirilă
Associate Professor
Krisztina Czuczor PhD
Assistant Lecturer
Dr. Imre László Fikó
Edith Debrenti PhD
Head of Academic Research, Associate Professor
Dr. Ildikó Orbán Mrs. Tamás Dékán
Associate Professor
József Fogarasi PhD
Gyula László Flórián PhD
Associate Professor
Drs. Gréta Gulyas
Assistant Lecturer
Drs. Mária Dalma Hámos
Assistant Lecturer
Dr. Tünde Zita Kovács
Assistant Lecturer
Edina Éva Kulcsár PhD
Vice Dean, Lecturer
Lóránd-István Králik PhD
Associate Professor
Artur-Lóránd Lakatos PhD
Elisabeta Ilona Molnar PhD
Associate Professor
habil. András Nábrádi PhD
Full Professor
Dr. Éva Pintér
Associate Professor
Dr. Szabolcs Szilágyi
Erzsébet Szász PhD
Associate Professor, President of the Senate
habil. Tibor Tarnóczi PhD
Associate professor
Drs. Johanna Tripo
Assistant Lecturer