English language and literature – German language and literature BA

English language and literature – German language and literature BA
Bachelor’s Degree 3-year accredited programme Full-time In Hungarian language

Öt ok, amiért megéri a PKE-n németet tanulni: dupla lehetőség egy szakon belül, több esély a könnyű elhelyezkedésre. Amennyiben több nyelv iránt is érdeklődsz, a szakok párosításával lehetővé válik, hogy egyszerre két nyelvből is egyetemi képesítést szerezz!  A páros nyelv és irodalom szakok célja a két nyelvterületen egyaránt magas tudásszintű szakemberek képzése. A tanmenet tantárgyi szerkezete mindkét nyelvterületen biztosítja a megfelelő elméleti ismeretek és készségek elsajátítását.

English/German grammar, British and American/German literary histories, American, British/German cultural studies, Film and drama, Translation studies.
Job opportunities
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- translation and interpreting
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Teaching staff
Ioan James Antal-Fórizs PhD
Ioan James Antal-Fórizs PhD
Head of Department, Lecturer
Andrea Bánffi-Benedek PhD
Andrea Bánffi-Benedek PhD
Associate Professor
Julianna Borbély PhD
Julianna Borbély PhD
Gizella Boszák PhD
Gizella Boszák PhD
Associate Professor
Borbála Bökös PhD
Borbála Bökös PhD
Dean, Associate Professor
Eszter János PhD
Eszter János PhD
Szabolcs János PhD
Szabolcs János PhD
Associate Professor
Drs. Zoltán-János Kovács
Drs. Zoltán-János Kovács
Assistant Lecturer
Sára Magyari PhD
Sára Magyari PhD
Associate Professor
Ágota Nagy PhD
Ágota Nagy PhD
Titus Pop PhD
Titus Pop PhD
Dan Horaţiu Popescu PhD
Dan Horaţiu Popescu PhD
Associate Professor
Roland-Attila Szabó PhD
Roland-Attila Szabó PhD
Drs. Renata-Alice Stoicu-Crişan
Drs. Renata-Alice Stoicu-Crişan
Assistant Lecturer
Drs. Orsolya Tóth
Drs. Orsolya Tóth
Assistant Lecturer
Ottilia Veres PhD
Ottilia Veres PhD
Teacher training
The Department for Teacher Training of the Partium Christian University in Oradea provides basic and in-depth teacher training for those who wish to enroll in the Level I and II pedagogical modules during their studies, moreover postgraduate training for those who decide to enter the teaching profession after completing their university studies. It is a complementary module to any major.
Scientific and artistic research is a permanent feature of the PCU’s activities, involving both our teachers and students. Over the years, several research groups have been set up, either within departments or through interdepartmental collaboration, to regularly carry out research projects, conferences, and other specialized programs.
Arany János Dormitory
The dormitory located in the city centre offers not only accommodation but also dining and laundry options for university students at affordable prices. Additionally, it provides peaceful study conditions and Wi-Fi access. Also, within the dormitory building, there is a Student Club where students can chat over coffee, tea, or soft drinks and play table football.
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