Creative Writing Contest

Creative Writing Contest
Creative Writing Contest
10 Ianuarie 2020
  The English Department of Partium Christian University organizes its first Creative Writing Contest for High School Students (Grades 9-12) Categories: Short Story and/or Poetry Theme: You&Me (bridges between people)   Deadline: 15th of February 2020 Submit to: Emails should contain the following information on the participant: name, school, grade, city. Winners will be announced on the Department’s website at the end of...


The English Department of Partium Christian University organizes its first

Creative Writing Contest

for High School Students (Grades 9-12)

Categories: Short Story and/or Poetry

Theme: You&Me (bridges between people)


Deadline: 15th of February 2020

Submit to:

Emails should contain the following information on the participant: name, school, grade, city.

Winners will be announced on the Department’s website at the end of February.

Prizes will be awarded in the 6th of March, the Open Day of the Partium Christian University.


Formal requirements:

For short stories: up to 800 words, for poetry: up to 30 lines.

Only original works will be accepted. All genres are welcome (horror, fantasy, SciFi, etc.). The theme of “You&Me” is open to personal interpretation.

One author can submit maximum two works: one in the “short story” category and one in the “poetry” category.

Winners will be awarded the following prizes:

1st prize: 500 RON

2nd prize: 300 RON

3rd prize: 200 RON

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