Európai egyetemi hálózatépítő konferencia a PKE-n

Európai egyetemi hálózatépítő konferencia a PKE-n
A hollandiai Frízföld Tartomány és a Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem  társszervezésében, a Nyelvi Sokszínűséget Elősegítő Hálózat (NPLD) támogatásával, 2023 június 13-14-én kerül sor az európai kisebbségi felsőoktatási és kutatási intézmények UniNet elnevezésű hálózatának alakuló konferenciájára.       

Az esemény első napja nyitott az egyetemi közösség tagjai számára, mindenkit szeretettel várunk.  A rendezvény angol nyelvű programja az alábbiakban olvasható:


                                                        UNINET CONFERENCE

                    Oradea, Romania, Partium Christian University, 13-14 June 2023


1. Background


The goals of the UniNet project

Establishing more strategic partnerships and enhancing the existing ones between the different universities in our language regions in the field of national minorities, multilingualism, minority languages, language rights, language policy, identity and language teaching

Practical exchange of existing knowledge of the different universities and/or academic institutions in our language regions in the field of national minorities, multilingualism, minority languages, language rights, language policy, identity and language learning

Identifying opportunities to develop in 2023/2024 a pilot exchange programme for university students from different language regions in a broader non-language oriented field

More details:


UniNet partner institutions at the conference


Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (Wales), Prifysgol Aberystwyth (Wales), Mercator Research Centre, NHL Stenden, Province of Fryslân, Stockholm University, Soziolinguistika Klusterra, University of Udine, Partium Christian University


2. Conference program

Day 1, Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Open session, university students and teachers are welcome

Topic: What have we done so far on three language related subjects?

Location: Amphitheater, Partium building


09.30-09.45: Opening of the UniNet Conference

Dr. theol. József Pálfi, Rector of the Partium Christian University

Sietske Poepjes, former Chair of the Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity (NPLD), Regional Minister of the Province of Fryslân and initiator of the UniNet project


09.45-10.30: Higher Education and Multilingualism. Presentations and discussions (section chair: Borbála Bökös)

Antal János James, Partium Christian University: European Higher Education in Minority Languages

Sion Jobbins, Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (Wales): Taith - Wales's cooperation journey

Marco Stolfo, University of Udine, University of Friuli: From a multilingual region for a multilingual Europe: languages, rights, teaching and research


10.30-11.10: Translanguaging. What is the effect of translanguaging on minority languages? Presentations and discussions (section chair: Julianna Borbély)

Julianna Borbély, Partium Christian University: The Relationship between Foreign Language and Mother Tongue

Eabele Tjepkema, NHL Stenden University of Applied Studies: Translanguaging practices in the Frisian trilingual primary school (pupils aged 10-12)


11.10-11.30: Coffee break


11.30-12.50: Language attitudes and language use. Presentations and discussions (section chair: Imanol Larrea-Mendizabal)

Titus Pop, Partium Christian University: Standard English vs Non-Standard English- A Sociolinguistic Debate

Lasse Vuorsola, Stockholm University: The social complexities of Finnish in Sweden

Imanol Larrea-Mendizabal, Soziolinguistika Klusterra: Applied participatory research for language revitalization in the Basque Country

Elin Royles, Prifysgol Aberystwyth (Wales): Young people’s language practices and education in regional or minority languages: the case of Wales


13.00-14.00: Lunch break


14.00-15.20: Multilingualism and bilingualism, cognitive benefits of bilingualism. Presentations and discussion (section chair: Elin Royles)

Jelske Dijkstra, Mercator Research Centre: Overview of current research projects at the Mercator Research Centre

Bökös Borbála, Partium Christian University: The Challenges of Travel Literature. Cultural Clashes in 19th century Hungary and Transylvania

Elin Royles, Prifysgol Aberystwyth (Wales): Outlining of relevant research at Aberystwyth

Eabele Tjepkema, NHL Stenden University of Applied Studies: Design based education, opportunities for connecting the teacher training curriculum and the research agenda of the Research group Multilingualism & Literacy.


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