Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem

P’Arts’Hum Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Time

For centuries (millennia?) people have been preoccupied with the concept of time. Plato stated, in his dialogue Timaeus, that "time is the moving image of eternity.” Just like him, later philosophers, artists and scientists elaborated on time and change vs. fixed/ immobile eternity or, on  time for action vs. time for reflection/meditation. From Saint Augustin to Bergson and Einstein, they considered the difficulties in defining time, exposed time as a physical dimension and  duration as lived mental experience or mused over time as a limited resource for humans. Finitude being a defining feature of mankind, death appeared as the greatest challenge. The biological time, with birth, growing up and ageing as phenomena specific to all living beings, would not soothe the anxiety engendered by the unpredictability of future. Between historical past and contemporaneity one could perceive time as a precondition for both evolution and demolition, for understanding social stratification, since its utilization patterns claim the status for time as the fourth dimension along to the three-dimensional/euclidian space.

Vol 2, No 1: Time letöltés


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