Creative Writing Contest Results - 2023

Creative Writing Contest Results - 2023
Dear all, it is our pleasure to announce the winners of this year’s Creative Writing Contest! From over sixty works, the jury—made up of teachers of the English Department of Partium Christian University—is pleased to award the following works:   1st Prize: Balogh Gabriella, Horváth János Elméleti Líceum, Margitta (“I Don’t Like the Outcome," poem)   Shared 2nd Prize: Adorian Johanna, Horváth János Elméleti Líceum, Margitta (“Song...

Dear all, it is our pleasure to announce the winners of this year’s Creative Writing Contest!

From over sixty works, the jury—made up of teachers of the English Department of Partium Christian University—is pleased to award the following works:


1st Prize:

Balogh Gabriella, Horváth János Elméleti Líceum, Margitta (“I Don’t Like the Outcome,” poem)


Shared 2nd Prize:

Adorian Johanna, Horváth János Elméleti Líceum, Margitta (“Song of Life,” poem)

János-Szatmári Boglárka, Ady Endre Elméleti Líceum, Nagyvárad (“Bittersweet Dazes” poem)


Shared 3rd Prize:

Pándi Levente, Kölcsey Ferenc Főgimnázium, Szatmárnémeti (untitled, poem)

Hőgye Tamás, Horváth János Elméleti Líceum, Margitta (“Stargazing Soliloquy” poem)

Honorable Mentions:

Rázmán Attila Botond, Ady Endre Elméleti Líceum, Nagyvárad (“Do You…?” poem)

Csáki Csongor, Hám János Római Katolikus Teológiai Líceum (“The Pleasure in the Pain,” poem)

Bun Daria, Colegiul National Vasile Goldis, Arad (untitled, poem)

Bárdos Dominik, Ady Endre Elméleti Líceum, Nagyvárad (“A Mix of Likes and Dislikes,” poem)

Tóth Kristóf, Liceul Tehnologic nr. 1, Nagykágya (“What I Like and What I Don’t,” short prose)

Dobrei Patricia Christianna, Colegiul National Vasile Goldis, Arad (“Simplexity,” poem)

Sălăjan Lavinia, Mihai Eminecu Főgimnázium, Szatmár (“Purest Love,” poem)

Pámer Dóra, Széchenyi István Római Katolikus Technikum és Gimnázium, Hatvan (“I like, I don’t like,” short prose)


Every participant of the competition is welcome to our Open day this Friday, the 10 of March, at Partium Christian University. Registration starting from 9 o’clock, opening ceremony from 10, Wild Wild Guess Games and Film Quiz from 11 o’clock in the Amphitheatre (New Building), Creative Writing Contest Award Ceremony from 12.30. Everyone is welcome!

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