Creative Writing Contest Winners 2022

Creative Writing Contest Winners 2022
Dear all, it is our pleasure to announce the winners of this year’s Creative Writing Contest! From over forty works, the jury (made up of teachers of the English Department of Partium Christian University) is pleased to award the following works:   Shared 1st Prize: Rázmán Attila Botond, Ady Endre Elméleti Líceum, Nagyvárad (“Silence," poem) Cuculeanu Krisztián, Hám János Római-Katolikus Teológiai Líceum, Szatmárnémeti (“you," poem) Shared...

Dear all, it is our pleasure to announce the winners of this year’s Creative Writing Contest!

From over forty works, the jury (made up of teachers of the English Department of Partium Christian University) is pleased to award the following works:


Shared 1st Prize:

Rázmán Attila Botond, Ady Endre Elméleti Líceum, Nagyvárad (“Silence,” poem)

Cuculeanu Krisztián, Hám János Római-Katolikus Teológiai Líceum, Szatmárnémeti (“you,” poem)

Shared 2nd Prize:

Molnár Dávid, Ady Endre Elméleti Líceum, Nagyvárad (“Unheeded,” poem)

Bartha Bence, Kölcsey Ferenc Főgimnázium, Szatmárnémeti (“Ars Poetica,” poem)

3rd Prize:

Leményi Orsolya, Ady Endre Elméleti Líceum, Nagyvárad (“Bipolar,” poem)


Honorable Mentions:

Rudolf Barnabás, Csíky Gergely Főgimnázium, Arad (“Limerick,” poem)

Balázs Krisztián, Arany János Elméleti Líceum, Nagyszalonta (“Limerick,” poem)

Haibuc Henrietta, Kölcsey Ferenc Főgimnázium, Szatmárnémeti (“Euphoria,” poem)

Horváth Zoltán, Mihai Eminescu Főgimnázium, Nagyvárad, (“Euphoria,” short story)

Szabó Renáta, Ady Endre Elméleti Líceum, Nagyvárad (“Daughter of Selene,” short story)

Horváth Dalma Boróka, Ady Endre Elméleti Líceum, Arad (“Chasing,” short story)

Bodnár Mónika, Ady Endre Elméleti Líceum, Nagyvárad (“Just a dream?” short story)



Winners will be announced through email about their prize rewards and diplomas.


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