Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem

Acta Universitatis Christianae Partiensis 2023/2

AUCP 2023/2 letöltése


A tartalomról:

Annamária Csilla Gyüre: Green Urban Management in the Light of Ecological Challenges

Géza Balázs: The Symbolic Hungarian "Language Act" 

Csaba Cservák: On the Dogmatic Aspects of Free Speech in Media Law

Boglárka Lilla Schlachta: Certain Questions of the Judicial Liability in a Legal Historian Perspective 

Máté Giovannini: The a Semet Ipso Exigere Obligation of the Negotiorum Gestor Concerning Interest Payment 

Edina Lajos: Law and Morality in the Context of the Ombudsman 

Judit Balassa: Religious Freedom in the System of Fundamental Rights 

Balázs Vesszős: The Language of Law in Intercultural Context in the Light of British and American English 

Ferenc Norbert Sipos: Our New Old Friend: Can Latin Become the Common Legal Language Again in Europe? 

Csaba Cservák: Human Rights and Legitimacy

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